Роlісе hаvе іdеntіfіеd thе twо mеn whоѕе bоdіеѕ wеrе fоund on Tuesday іn Long Beach, Christ Church.
According to police, the two men were identified by family members as Loris Malik Rasheed Gittens, 22, of 10B Bottom Close, Wildey, St Michael, and Michael Keenan Blackett, 27, of Block 2C Flat Rock, St George.
Police also indicated that Blackett was on bail having been charged for three separate murders, and Gittens was known for acts of violence.
The two bodies were discovered after police received a call about 11:13 a.m. on Tuesday, and residents in the nearby district reported hearing what sounded like gun shots around 11 p.m. on Monday.