Cabinet has approved the sum of $7M to transform the Public Service in four priority areas over a two-year period. However, only $3.9M will be provided in the first year, subject to funding availability.
In a November 19 Cabinet statement it was indicated that during a recent meeting, Cabinet agreed to the following four priority areas of the Public Service, which are crucial in the further development and transformation of the Public Service: Good Governance; Digital Transformation of Government; Customer Service Improvement; and Public Administration/Human Resource Management.
It was noted that funding sources to ensure execution of the priority transformation areas will be considered in the 2022 budget estimates, subsequent budget estimates and if required, supplementary funding.
"And decided that the Deputy Governor's Office instruct the responsible Ministries/Departments to take action on the initiatives outlined," the statement said.
In his Budget Address on November 11, Premier and Finance Minister Hon. Andrew
Fahie briefly said that the 2022 budget funds are allocated to commence the Public Service Transformation initiative.
"This is a partnership between the Premier’s Office and the Governor/Deputy Governor’s Office. For far too long there have been cries to modernise the Public Service. In this Budget the Government shows its commitment to do so," he said.
Fahie stated that funds continue to be allocated to support the various arms of the justice system and law enforcement agencies.