According to a press release from Government Information Services today, October 6, 2022, on Monday, October 3, 2022, the Ministry of Education, Youth Affairs and Sports received a report from the Alexandrina Maduro Primary School that a significant number of students were absent.
It said the students were reportedly feeling unwell and, out of great concern, the Ministry immediately contacted the Ministry of Health to assess the situation.
"On Wednesday 5th October, the Ministry received a report from the Ministry of Health identifying several key areas of concern. The report recommends the immediate closure of the school to remedy the identified issues. As more information becomes available, all stakeholders will be informed."
The press release did not state what were the issues identified.
"Therefore, as of 6th October 2022, at the Alexandrina Maduro Primary School, students will transition to online learning until further notice. The Ministry of Education is working feverishly to address the matters highlighted in the report and will do everything possible to ensure that this period of online learning is not prolonged," the press release continued.
Parents are asked to note the need for the immediate changeover and are asked to make the necessary arrangements for their child/children at home.
"We recognise that this change will create some inconvenience; however, we must ensure that the health and safety of our students and teachers are paramount.
"The Ministry of Education regrets any inconvenience caused and will continue to work in the best interest of the health and safety of our students and teachers," the GIS press release stated.