The Premier, at a press conference on May 26, 2021, said he was ‘happy to report” that commencing tomorrow, Friday, May 28 2021, the doctor will be on the far-flung island of Anegada.
This he said the “24-hour service” will be for between three to four days at first.
“We intend to make sure that this continues for the seven days in the week, but this is a good start as this is something that most administrations had found a challenge to make sure that they fulfil,” he said.
The Premier also said that within a month's time a regular doctor will be available on Jost van Dyke.
He said it was high time that the sister islands benefit from a doctor.
“It is indeed a step in the right direction. For years, through successive administrations, our sister islands have been without the regular services of a doctor on island. Your government has taken the decisive step to correct this situation.”
He added that this was ‘good news” for the residents of these islands who have often felt neglected and would have to travel to Tortola to see a doctor.
“Your government continues to try to stretch our limited resources to make sure the needs of our people are taken care of during this worse pandemic during the last 100 years and to balance lives and livelihoods,” he added.