Procurement Coordinator, Mrs. Ishma Rhymer said that the works consist of rehabilitation and reconstruction works of the building, concrete frame and reinforced block walls with the replacement of damages timber roof sections and some metal roof sheets.
Mrs. Rhymer added that the works also include rehabilitation of carpentry, floor walls and ceiling finishes and fixtures, rehabilitation of plumbing fixtures and fitting, electrical systems and mechanical works.
Mrs. Rhymer further stated that all firms which are legally incorporated or have principle place of business in a CDB member country are eligible to apply.
Tenderers are required to adhere to all qualifications outlined in the Tender Notice 16 of 2019.
Bid documents will be available from Monday, September 23 on week days between 9:00 a.m. and 4:00 p.m. Bidding documents will be made available electronically from the Ministry of Finance upon request to with the subject title “Rehabilitation and Reconstruction Works for the North Sound Administration Building, Rehabilitation and Reconstruction Loan – Hurricane Irma”.
A pre-tender meeting is scheduled for Friday, October 18 at 10:00 a.m. at the Vanterpool Administration Building, Conference Room #1, Virgin Gorda.
Four hard copies of the bids must be submitted into sealed envelopes, with the name and address of the bidder and clearly marked, “Rehabilitation and Reconstruction Works for the North Sound Administration Building and must be received no later than 10:00 a.m. on Tuesday, November 19.
All tenderers are invited to attend the bid opening on Tuesday, November 19 at the Ministry of Finance Procurement Unit, Quomar Trading Building #2, 2nd Floor, Blackburn Road.
For more information contact the Procurement Coordinator, Mrs. Ishma Rhymer at (284) 468- 4243 or via e-mail at