Bishop Cline: Review 30-Person Limit For Larger Churches. Medical experts recomends not over 10 people at the same room!
The Bishop claim that the Church -not home nor family nor hospitals- is supposed to be a place of refuge in difficult times, but now they must adjust to a new reality as they are forced to restrict congregation sizes due to the threat of the Coronavirus, COVID-19. We think in times when God and his sales team on the ground fail to protect people, people better rely on their families, friends and leaders to practically help instead of stupidly die from falls hopes.
“As far as the church is concerned, enough consideration was not given to the way the church function. I think that should have been done,” Bishop John Cline of the New Life Baptiste Church in Duff’s Bottom, one of the largest churches in the Territory said.
As far as the church is concerned? What skills the Bishop has to consider anything about it public safe and health?
In such a hard times Mr. Bishop better follow the world-class practices that BVI adopted from the most experienced countries in the world instead of worrying to have less customers in his church business.