In the wake of BLM and scrutinized the ongoing racist assault against the black community, it's time to say out loud what every regulator and compliance officer already knows: the only reason the Caribbean Islands are black-listed (Or alternatively succumb to extreme, absurd and unfounded business restrictions), and under constant economic attack, is racism.
It’s not for anti-money laundering, not for the war against terror, and not for any other fake excuse.
We all know the famous question "why dog is leaking his balls?" and the answer (because he can!).
Britain, and many other “reputable” Western countries including members of the European Union such as Ireland and Cyprus, grant tax immunity, political asylum and easy citizenship to dubious oligarchs with serious criminal records, and to dictators with blood on their hands and with their pockets stuffed with money obtained by corruption. These holier-than-thou countries are eagerly and shamelessly open for business as tax havens for the world's richest companies and tycoons, the ones who make billions of dollars in profits all over the world, but pay zero taxes. not hiding what they are doing but simple urinating from the bounce, under the open eyes and well bribed regulators, law makers and tax authorities The biggest companies in the world doing daily, in billions of dollars every day, pure money laundering (you can call it "tax planing" only as long as you ignore what is the anti money laundering laws and definitions!) - and where the focus is on? As usual, on the poor and vulnerable communities that can be easily blamed while the big gangsters robing the world. Indeed, "It's always the ones with the dirty hands pointing the fingers".
This is the common practice and wide-spread all over the world: countries make billions by attracting big money to flow in, because they offer better and cheaper services for the global rich. Just as in any other industry in a free marketplace, every business aims to entice customers with privileged services that are better or cheaper than the other competing countries in the global marketplace.
That's exactly what's business is all about: identify a problem and provide a cost-effective solution!
The Caribbean islands, each island by it's own and all of them as common victims (no wealth!) of the same dark past of the west world, are black, small and vulnerable communities that providing legitimate business just as any other country that offers corporate, banking and comfortable promotion for foreign investors.
By nature and as with any other business, you can always find the bad guys that will abuse the system. But you run after the bad guys - not breaking the whole system!
No body stop or blame the buss service just because its so easy for drug dealers to take a buss and go to sell their things on the other side of the city!
No body blame IKEA for selling an affordable and sharp knifes that may be used for stabbing people on the streets.
No body close the roads just because too many rich people over speeding with their nice cars.
No body close the internet just because hackers and terrorists using it to facilitate crimes, fraud and terror attacks.
That's not how things works. Unless you are a racist, and in the fake name of "regulation" and the hypocritical war-marketing-slogan of "fighting against crimes", you allow this to happen in your own countries and to your own elites, and instead of taking responsibility on policing your own citizens - you pointing an accusing finger at an entire population and sanctioning all of them with collective punishments, instead of improving your own methods of supervising your own citizens. And why? just because they have to be thankful that unlike their Afro-american brothers and sisters, their lives do matter, but your traditional racism will always find the sound-good excuse to make sure they stay poor, small and second class citizens in this world: you do whatever you can to limit their ability to make a living, just the same way, products and services as you do too.
All Caribbean Islands have established their own respectable businesses just as the west did. A tax-free corporate services and citizenship by investment programmes, services that are designed specifically for the world’s wealthy - exactly the same as European countries are offering to attract foriegn investors (Austria, Portugal, Spain, UK to name but a few).
Unlike the discount you give to yourself, the Caribbean Islands on-board the rich as clients only after very careful, comprehensive and strict KYC and AML procedures. So, given that their business model is identical to that of Ireland, Delaware, Luxembourg and London and the on-boarding due dilligance they do before anybody can become their client is much more stricter then yours – why do they get blacklisted? Why their customers get sunctioned and cannot open bank accounts all over the world? What wrong they did apart of being born with the skin color that you instinctly feel that you are allowed to paternalise, control and dictate?
There is no explanation other than pure and ruthless racism. Continuing endemic racism that prevents the slave-refugees – who were left behind in neglected and isolated islands in the middle of nowhere, after being kidnapped, raped, used and abused - from making their living in the very same business that their ex-masters are operating back at home.
However - Just because you are paranoid against your own citizens doesn't mean that the Caribbeans have to sacrifice all their little income they have to relax your problems with your citizens.
We are against tax offenders. We do believe that the world taxation should be more fair. A good start would be if the tax would also apply to the big giants that currently pay no taxes.
However - no one in this world can or should be blamed for tax avoidance. Tax is a service fee, that citizens pay to their government for being their service providers.
No law can or should privileged anybody to place them above our civil obligation to pay a fair fee for the services we get; and obviously no law should be above the human right not to pay for services we don’t get.
Rich people have no problem paying double- or even triple-price for services that poor people will never consume, and so should never pay for anyway.
Rich people never avoid paying taxes, nor any other service fee. Those countries which fail to provide fair value for the taxes they charge can only blame the inadequacy of their services; not the customers who opted not to be served.
Rich people pay every day a vast amount of money – far too much money - for services that ordinary people will never bother to waste their money on. For manicured golf courses, first-class flights, super-cars, original paintings, luxury hotels, gourmet restaurants, fancy spas, designer clothes, etc.. And of course many of the real rich happily pay their regular "taxes" for their "owned" politicians, regulators, journalists, etc.. They never avoid paying for the luxury goods and services they get in return for their money.
If a country fails to collect the taxes that it expects from its citizens, there is only one thing that can be blamed: the service simply wasn't worth the money the country charged for it. That’s as simple as it sounds. Just like trying to bill a table of customers in a restaurant who got insufficient food, or no food at all. It’s not that they are avoiding payments, it’s that they should not be paying at all.
In order to collect more taxes, you must either upgrade the services commensurate with the level of taxes you want to get in exchange for those services, or downgrade the tax rate to the level of services that you are able to provide. That's all there is to it. There is no magic, no shortcut and no work-around.
This is a basic law of nature, and it is above any law created by the modern monkeys against mother nature.
The opposing theory - that people should pay taxes for services they don’t get - is a blatant fallacy that should be consigned to the dark chapters of history. (As often are those stupid, greedy governments when they push this kind of state-sponsored theft too far.)
Blaming people who don’t pay for services they didn't get or far-far-overpriced is a joke, not a criminal offense. If your law books say otherwise, then it’s your books that are broken, not the people who are simply, naturally doing what they have full right to do: not to pay for service they did not get and not to pay overpriced fees for poor service that they've got.
This is my conclusion about taxes, after covering as a journalist and uncovering as a hacktivist the biggest and broadest tax frauds in the world. The only reason people do not pay their taxes is that people do not like to feel ripped of. They happily pay VAT for every useless diamond they buy. No problem. Few percentage more or less can never be a barrier to satisfy a rich wish.
But this is my personal point of view, nothing to do with the Caribbeans. I was lucky enough to make my money before the Caribbeans business model even born, and retired many many years ego, since I became 30 years old - young enough to start learning how the real world is really working (while everybody else fighting to pay bills or to make more and more money they will never need) , and old enough to experience that the hobby that made me so happy and poor as a kid (my first computer cost $30,000, before Dos) rewards me by doing only what i love and only with whom i appreciate.
So do not get confused. This call-for-action to take of the racist western Knees of the Caribbeans economic neck, is not about my personal non-conventional standpoint about taxes. I am conscious that ordinary good and smart people are well educated-by-design to find difficulty with my natural way of thinking that taxes should be paid in exchange to fair-value services that the country should give back in exchange. I know it sounds strange, especially to people that are expecting to get as much as possible and to give back as little as inevitable.
Tax fraud is a valid criminal offense and i fully agree that we all need to join forces to fight for it. But... there is nothing in it for which you can blame the Caribbean Islands or any other zero-tax jurisdiction.
The world is a free market. If a restaurant chooses to offer free drinks or free air condition or free live music to anyone buying its food, then no other restaurant can view such a marketing attractions as unfair or illegal.
Just the same as any other tax heaven (including Delaware, London, Luxembourg and Ireland), the Caribbean Islands attract good, honest people, who work hard or smart or both to make a lot of money.
The Islands succeed in attracting this talent because their communities, or their environments, or their services are in better condition than yours. Just the same way as Silicon Valley attracts programmers; the same way intelligence NGO's attract journalists, politicians and academics to promote their propaganda; the same way BMW attracts Benz customers; the same way Toyota’s Alphard has won the hearts of the top 1000 billionaires above any other luxury brand; and the same way Apple attracted Nokia customers out of the blue. They win out by offering better quality and better value for money, not by limiting their rangeof products and services to protect their competitor's market share.
That's the way free and fair markets operate. You don't like your competitors attracting your customers? Then you are perfectly welcome to design new and even more attractive tactics of your own, just the same as USA is successfully attracting manufactures to get the production back home by attracting them with huge tax benefits and subsidies.
However, you are not definitely not welcome to usa mafia tactics and burn your competitors’ business.
It is pure, ruthless racism to use the power-of-empire, that cynically acquired through the blood, sweat and tears of the slavery victims such as the Caribbean islanders, to enslave them once again by preventing them from conducting the same respectable business as the white people do. Actually, limiting their ability to serve customers that you want to serve, it's just another form of crime against human rights.
The citizens in your own country are yours; the citizens in the Caribbean are not your slaves anymore.
If you agree to these 2 statements, you should understand that no Caribbean slave-refugee should be forced nowadays to police your citizens instead of you, not at all and especially not for free!
just because you want to create an alliance that will relieve you of the obligation to attract your citizens to pay their full taxes, should never end up by you enforcing the Caribbean islands to commit economic suicide just to satisfy your needs.
Your imperialist point of view that your taxes matters more than their lives and living it's a pure racism and nothing but a modern slavery!
No black Caribbean man or woman should be strangled by the white-man’s sanctions and shackled by his blacklists and rediculuse business limitations, just because they refuse to police your citizens for free in the way that you want your citizens to be policed. (By the way, why is the naughty list "black", when 99.9% of financial criminals are white?)
Also here, for the sake of transparency about my very personal and non conventional that has nothing to do with the Caribbeans: The only effective way to fight terrorism is not to create enemies in the first place. Check out any terror attack in the history, if any of them was an action or a reaction.
There must be zero tolerance and no equation about everybody's obligation to fight against any form of terror, of course.
But who really against terror should stop the refuted common propaganda that keep claiming that "everything started when they hit back".
Anyway financing is not the motivation driving those desperate terrorists who are willing to commit suicide for their beliefs.
Financing is a facilitating tool. like a buss service and like a knifes shop. Stopping it won’t stop terrorism (it may slow it down, but make it more sophisticated).
Yes, sure: drugs are a major problem for mankind. Alcohol, Ritalin, Nicotine – in fact they’re similar in harm to the illegal Class A drugs that comprise the trillion-dollar drug-trafficking industry. The fact that alcohol became a legal drug densest mean that it's not a major reason for car accidents, violence against woman, poverty, and depreciation. It is time to realize that the colonial term "legal" has nothing to do with "moral" or "justice". Not everything that is legal -such as alcohol- is right, and not everything that is illegal -such as medical Marijuana- is wrong. In too many cases during the history we saw that "the legal was illegal" (The Nuremberg trials).
But as taking drugs is unfortunately more popular in every culture than any other bad habit, the only way to make the drug-dealers poor and to mitigate the horrific effects of drugs on susceptible individuals and society as a whole, is to legalize it all. Not to commercialize it as alcohol legalization mistakenly did, but to legalize it in order to contain it.
Cut out the traffickers. Make the drug industry a source of government revenue not a money machine for mafia and law enforcement gangsters. Then provide free rehabilitation for treating addiction as well as addressing the personal and social circumstances that push people to abuse alcohol, ritalin, nicotine and all those below-the-counter drugs.
Sending miserable drug addicted to jail instead of hospitals it's an act of a psychopaths, nothing "honorable" in whoever participate in such a punishment system.
You may agree or disagree with my somewhat unconventional way of thinking about tax avoidance and the best ways to fight against terrorism and drug-trafficking. Fine: whichever way you think on each is a legitimate standpoint, and fully acceptable.
But what is not acceptable that you continue to enslave the Caribbean Islanders by forcing them to become your free police force acting against your own citizens.
You are not allowed to prevent the Caribbean Islands from offering your citizens the same services as you offer to the citizens of other countries. They do not have to attract customers in exactly the same way that you want them to do. That's not how the free market works. They should be absolutely unrestrained, independent and creative to attract customers in their own way.
Black lives obviously matter and it's a pity that people need to protest to make you understand that, for a change.
But neither should the right of black people to build their own lives, industries and legacies without the limitations and barriers imposed by white regulators with their knees poking into black territories.
“Man was born free, and he is everywhere in chains. Those who think themselves the masters of others are indeed greater slaves than they” (Jean-Jacques Rousseau).
EU: To remove any restriction from any Caribbean islander or their customers, to legitimately participate in the free world of financial services and any form of investments.
USA: To remove the credit-history system as the obstacle to get credit for starting a business.
The majority of the black community do not have fantastic credit history only because your did not pay their salaries for few centuries...
UK: Just get your knees of their neck. let them breath. Send your wonderful Governors back home. There is no room for white-supreme masters in 2020. Coronavirus and Brexit can be an amazing opportunity to make Britain great again, if you just mind your own business. Common wealth has nothing in common and the wealth of it long overdue.