Premier Andrew Fahie has expressed that national security for the BVI must start with discipline in the home. The territory’s leader was at a time responding to questions at a recent press conference about measures taken to enhance border security and address safety and security concerns in general for the BVI.
Fahie said the safety and security of the territory is something that remains an ongoing concern.
“Real, true security of any country starts home. What do we do with our children?” the Premier questioned.
“Because whenever someone gets involved in crime; usually when persons get involved in crime, it comes from a matter of not being disciplined from in the homefront and it just mushrooms through the school system and then it ends up in the community. I don’t care where you live in the world, that’s how it starts,” Premier
Fahie added.
The Premier argued that much of the security for the BVI ‘doesn’t need a dime’ but rather it just needs ‘us to pay attention to our children’.
He said parents need to continue to speak to their children and to do the best that they can as parents to train them up to ensure they respect themselves, respect others, abide by the law and be productive citizens.
According to the Premier, government will take care of other areas as much as it can.
“We help our security by other programmes because there’s no way that the police or any law enforcement can fight crime on their own, usually that’s a reactive measure,” Premier
Fahie said.
The Premier also shared that some of the work needs to be done from within schools. He said this work includes creating better school environments.
He further told reporters that funds were placed in the territory’s budget to ensure that there are better facilities within the schools and to help with materials.