The strike issue, which reportedly arose over insurance coverage for employees not being renewed, has since been addressed, Premier Wheatley related at a recent press conference.
“I was communicated to on that particular issue (insurance coverage) and I believe this was (Thursday) or the day before and it’s being resolved, as I understand it, which I’m grateful for,” the Premier told reporters.
Dr Wheatley said he understood the seriousness of the challenge and insisted that the government does not want anyone to go without insurance coverage.
“I had a conversation with the (BVITB) Director and I was reliably informed that it was being addressed and the New York office confirmed that they were contacted,” the Premier added.
In the meantime, the Premier said he was unaware of reports of dissatisfied staff at the BVITB who had expressed concerns over the stewardship of that entity and also about allegations of constant infighting between its Director and Deputy Director.
Staff at the BVITB have reportedly complained that infighting between the two has made them feel demoralised and has seen the BVITB becoming stagnant, allegedly as a result of the pair’s divisive actions.
“I don’t know about any persons at the Tourist Board who are disgruntled with leadership or anything like that,” the Premier said.
He added: “So, you know, persons, if they are disgruntled and they want to speak to the new Board about it or they want to speak to me as Minister of Tourism, I have an open door policy. Anybody can come and speak to me about anything under my portfolio.”