This was disclosed by Premier Dr the Hon Natalio D. Wheatley (R7) during the Question and Answer Segment of the Sixth Sitting of the Fourth Session of the Fourth House of Assembly (HoA) at Save the Seed Energy Centre in Duff’s Bottom, Tortola on July 21, 2022.
The question of the video was brought up by Opposition Member Hon Carvin Malone (AL), who noted that while the Governor has “graciously” accepted an apology from Commissioner of Police Mark Collins he wanted to know whether or not the video production has been or is being aired in the UK or foreign markets, which agency or authority approved the script for the video production and whether all legally required permits and approvals for the video being produced by the Virgin Islands were requested and approved.
According to Premier Wheatley, based on information received from the Governor’s Office and the Commissioner of Police, the video has not and will not be aired in the UK or any other country.
He further said the video was a leaked draft and no agency or authority approved a script in its presented format.
Premier Wheatley noted; however, that there seems to be some confusion as to whether the proper process was followed as it pertains to the BVI Tourist Board and Film Commission.
“Information received from the Police Commissioner suggests that contact was made with the Tourist Board and it was said this is not a matter for the Tourist Board.”
The Premier continued that the BVI Tourist Board has released a press release giving another version of events.
“An investigation has been requested of the Governor which once conducted will provide a clearer picture of the events.”
Premier Wheatley noted; however, that information so far suggests that no approvals for the production of the video were given by the BVITB and it is expected that the investigation will clarify whether the appropriate requests were made.
He also said the matter will be addressed through the National Security Council.
Asked by Hon Malone whether the results of the investigation will be brought to the HoA, Premier Wheatley said he will request of the Governor in the National Security Council that the results of the investigation be shared with the public.
Speaking to the media at a press conference on July 22, 2022, Premier Wheatley reiterated that Cabinet has requested an investigation concerning the production, and illegal dissemination of what has been referred to as a recruitment video.
“Cabinet requested an investigation, I followed up with a request to the Governor for an investigation and we are going to take up the matter with the National Security Council.
“And we will be meeting the National Security Council in early August,” Premier Wheatley stated.
Premier Dr the Hon Natalio D. Wheatley
(R7), right, has said he has requested of the Governor John J. Rankin,
CMG, left, for an investigation into the Police in Paradise recruitment
The question of the controversial police
recruitment video was brought up in the House of Assembly by Opposition
Member Hon Carvin Malone (AL), who noted that while the Governor has
‘graciously’ accepted an apology from Commissioner of Police Mark
Collins he wanted to know whether or not the video production has been
or is being aired in the UK or foreign markets, which agency or
authority approved the script for the video production and whether all
legally required permits and approvals for the video being produced by
the Virgin Islands were requested and approved.