“I don't think that it has hit home to our people, the seriousness of this disease. If you go to functions there is a cavalier attitude towards social distancing, no matter where you go… wearing a mask seems to be an issue,” Hon Fraser told legislators.
The senior legislator made the comments during the Second Sitting of the Third Session of the Fourth House of Assembly (HoA) held at Save the Energy Seed Centre in Duff's Bottom on Tuesday, December 15, 2020.
“I am not convinced, Mr Speaker, that our people understand and have gotten the message, this is not to say that the message isn't out there. It is out there, but the people haven't gotten it,” he said.
As such, Hon Fraser said shaking of hands and hugging continue to be a common practice despite the warnings against such in support of social distancing.
Isolated incidents of bar fights and brawls have also been reported over the past months, all in violation of the COVID-19 health guidelines.
Senior Opposition Legislator, Hon Julian Fraser RA said despite the effects of the COVID-19 pandemic on the people of the Virgin Islands (VI), citizens continue to exhibit a cavalier attitude towards COVID-19 health guidelines.
According to Hon Fraser, until authorities and medical experts indicate that coronavirus is no longer a threat, human social interaction has to change.
“We are here in the Virgin Islands trying to re-open up our territory because there is no question about what type of economy we have. We have a tourism-based economy and you're not going to generate tourism from within the Virgin Islands, it comes from outside,” he said, warning of possible ramifications if the virus should get out of control in the territory.
He urged everyone to do their part in helping to battle COVID-19, especially by following the protocols instituted by Government.
“So, if we continue or cavalier behaviour which we've been doing practising among ourselves, we might just extend it among others, so we need to stop, we need to acknowledge the protocols for COVID-19, all of us, without exception," he said.