“Everyone has a voice… from the time I've been in politics persons have been going to the Governor complaining about different things, that's their democratic right,” Premier Fahie said during an episode of talk show ZoeJ Say’s on Saturday, January 23, 2021.
He continued, “But there are systems such as the Public Accounts Committee, the Auditor General, the Internal Audit, the Police and many other systems that must be allowed to function before you can wake up a morning, with the stroke of a pen, put us into Commissioner of Inquiry with terms of reference that are so broad that I could fit in them, and that the act says that that the terms of reference have to be specific,” Hon Fahie noted.
Calling the CoI a witch hunt, the Premier said that the UK through Governor Augustus J.U. Jaspert has made the inquiry extremely broad with the aim to simply 'find something'.
“The question is, how is this democracy in the 24th century with due respect?” the Premier asked.
“England has always been known to be our mother country in which we respect and we need to respect them, but we need respect also, and for you to tell me that you have all your issues in the UK, you have all your corruption issues the UK, also good issues and bad, and you can manage them.”
“But we are so bad down here that you have to come down and ignore our justice system, ignore our constitutional rights, ignore our constitutional bodies that have been put in place to handle gossip and allegations of this nature, instead you have to come and deal with it for us,” he said.
Calling the CoI a witch hunt, the Premier said that the UK through Governor Augustus J.U. Jaspert has made the inquiry extremely broad with the aim of simply 'find something'.
The Premier said the Governor’s announcement has reputational damage in the name of false love.
“This reputational damage that we have to make sure that we go and deal with,” Premier Fahie said in noting that the damage is an attack on local agencies and it tries to implicate his 23-month-old government in past scandals under the National Democratic Party Government.