During the Private Members business segment of the 2 September sitting of the House of Assembly Maduro complained that people are continuing to use her District as a dumping ground. The District Representative vibrantly complained about a trailer that has been parked causing traffic obstruction for a number of days.
“We in District Six have been plagued by the parking of equipment and boat trailers all over the District. Recently we had a boat trailer that was parked taking over almost half of the road, and this trailer was there for over four days.”
In calling for a stop to the inconsiderate dumping the District Representative said: “It’s time that they stop making the Sixth District look like a dumping area so to speak. I am going to request that these trailers be towed. Presently there is one in front of the garbage bin, by the fisheries and what happens is that this makes the garbage truck have an issue getting the bin when these boat trailers just park carelessly all over the place. Right now, one is blocking the bin which means that the truck would not get it, and it would probably stay there for another day and spill over.”
“I am asking the boat owners – while we don’t mind you using the ramp which was made for boaters in District Six, we don’t mind you using it. Have some kind of courtesy when you park your trailer and park it in a way that it won’t affect the traffic and it would not affect the garbage truck when it comes to get the bin,” she added.