The Premier in a social media post published today, Saturday, December 26, 2020, said his salute of Dr T. Penn comes as part of a series of positive stories from the BVI community and beyond, that needs to be heard.
According to the Leader of Government Business, “Dr T. Penn who is a past athlete, pageant queen, calypso queen and currently an avid steelpan player is a hardworking professional within the Public Service. She is the Director of Communications and has also served in this capacity with three previous administrations. Additionally, she also served as the Executive Private Secretary to the Governor or Head of the Governor’s Office, Virgin Islands.”
The Premier revealed that it was Dr T. Penn who introduced social media as a communications arsenal to the Government of the Virgin Islands, one that has now become a major platform used by the administration to communicate to the populace.
Hon Fahie revealed that Despite Hurricane Maria and Irma and the presence of COVID-19, Dr Penn maintained a 4.0 GPA on the road to the graduation.
“She has done excellent in her Doctoral programme satisfying the requirements prescribed by the Board of Directors of Walden University, Minneapolis, Minnesota, and is now a Doctor of Philosophy in Public Policy and Administration.”
The Premier said he was indeed proud of Dr Penn as a Virgin Islander who defied the odds and burned the midnight oil balancing work, studies, church and home life.
“May GOD continue to bless Dr T. Penn as she makes her mark in this country and the in world,” he said.