I want to say to this Government and Opposition, y'all stop the madness. Get together on a major campaign throughout this country [and] get people vaccinated,” he said on the March 17, 2021, edition of the Honestly Speaking show.
“Police, Fire, Customs, Immigration all of you who are in the frontline for hospitality service who have a regular interaction with people, taxi service providers, all of you in the medical field who service people, there should be no question about whether or not you should be vaccinated,” he said.
According to the commentator and consultant, with vaccination being a major tool against the Coronavirus pandemic persons, especially frontline workers, ought to ensure they get vaccinated.
“If for some reason you are in a frontline and you are not ready to take the vaccine, but you are one of those categories I just mentioned, then go to the back of the line,” he said.
While there has been a small number of concerns relating to the Astrazenic vaccine, data from clinical trials showed the vaccine was 62% effective in preventing COVID infections and also preventing death and hospitalisation in participants who got the virus after receiving the vaccine.
Skelton-Cline charged that for persons on the frontline refusing to get vaccinated, “You can’t be on the frontline no more... Because then your personal opinion and your personal conviction becomes a public hazard,” he said.
The CDC; however, has warned that people with a history of severe allergic reaction to any component of the vaccine should not take it and the vaccine is not recommended for persons younger than 18 years of age pending the results of further studies.