Health Minister Carvin Malone has announced a list of services that goverment considers to be essential to the territory while government rolls out several restrictions to contain the spread of coronavirus locally.
These services and their workers are permitted to venture out during the territory-wide curfew slated to commence at 8 pm on Friday until 6 am on April 2.
Malone said the list will be continuously reviewed to add or remove service providers as necessary. And while persons might fall in the essential service worker, the minister said it only applies when they are on duty.
Security and emergency personnel
Police officers, Customs and Immigration officers, emergency call handlers, private security officers and service providers, the public and private sector waste management services, fuel distribution and delivery services, public and private sector social care providers, the courts, senior magistrate and coroner, mortuary services, humanitarian support, freight courier and cargo distribution have all made the list of persons and services that are considered to be essential.
Malone said other essential services include “laundry services, media and broadcast providers, farming, agriculture, fishery and veterinarian services as provided. Transportation services -those providing transportation to essential and critical operations -supermarkets and restaurants providing services to and for essential services and critical operations, [as well as the] health and emergency operations centre.”
Remain home if not on duty
Meanwhile, Malone urged persons employed in the aforementioned sectors to remain home if they are not on duty for the safety of themselves and others.
“This period is short compared to some of the territories that have a month, two months. If when it is lifted we do not abide by it and we cause concern for the spread of this virus we would have to relook this,” he stated.