In December 2020, Premier Fahie had said his administration remained serious about ensuring that the Integrity in Public Life Act and the Code of Conduct are put in place as well as all the necessary foundations to support the legislation.
Premier Andrew A. Fahie in a January 12, 2021 statement, said the act will also have several benefits the first of which he says will support good governance by providing a buffer against corruption in public affairs.
Hon Fahie in a January 12, 2021 statement, said the act will also have several benefits, the first of which he says will support good governance by providing a buffer against corruption in public affairs.
“By reducing or eliminating corruption in public affairs, citizens get better value for their tax dollars. Anti-corruption legislation gives a higher assurance of fairness and that investors or contracting companies will not be frustrated or extorted,” he said.
According to the Premier, the Integrity in Public Life legislation will also provide an objective framework for shedding light on allegations of misconduct by public officials and will strengthen local institutions so that they can perform more independently and objectively.
“Integrity legislation demonstrates the maturity of a people to ensure that their Governance is conducted according to the highest standards. When Governance is conducted with integrity, it helps the people to have confidence in their Government,” Hon Fahie went on to say.
Further, the Leader of Government business noted that by posing as a barrier to corruption, Integrity legislation facilitates fair competition and rewards based on merit and it also applies to appointments and promotions in the Public Service.
He said senior public servants will be prevented from abusing their powers to interfere with appointments and promotions in the local public service.
The Bill will be introduced in the House of Assembly by Hon Fahie, with an overall goal of strengthening the Virgin Islands and its institutions through Good Governance.
The Bill went before Cabinet for recommendations on December 18, 2020.