Hon Fahie raised the matter during the October 28, 2021, 12th Sitting of the 3rd Session of the 4th House of Assembly at the Save the Seed Energy Centre in Duff’s Bottom, Tortola.
“One of the things that we were fighting in that persons who don’t have any status here that were in Jail and they came out, and they still here walking around and we told the Governor how they can’t be deported?” he said.
He said the matter spanned several governors however, no action has been taken.
Hon Fahie juxtaposed the scenario to a case of a young basketball player who lived in the VI all his life, had represented the territory in sport, but had committed a crime in another jurisdiction, yet could not return to the VI to serve his time.
“Who not from here that come out of jail based on the powers under the Governor, we can’t get him to deport them, but who from here that could come back and finish their sentence… [they] can’t get in,” the Premier said.
Hon Fahie detailed that when presented before the CoI, the details of the case in the subject was misrepresented.
He Fahie further described a process of ‘heavy blockade’ to prevent the young man from returning, which also included a secret report filed at the hands of a Governor.