As the coronavirus crisis continues, it’s more important than ever to highlight the best in the people around us. Here is the latest dose of positive news.
Bin collectors in Maidstone, Kent, have also been inundated with messages of support and colourful drawings.
“Dear Dustys, thank you for working during this scary time,” read one, while another said: “Thank you for all that you do! You really are our key workers.”
The officers from Northumbria police stood beside their vehicles and clapped, while staff from Northumberland specialist emergency care hospital in Cramlington looked on.
A number of Northumbria police cars also headed to the home of the former Sunderland councillor Margaret Beck, a much-loved community figure, who died on 27 March after contracting Covid-19.
PCSO Alison Ross said: “Margaret was an amazing woman, popular and loved by everyone.
“While tonight is all about showing our support to the NHS and to those people looking after us during this unprecedented time, I also wanted to make sure Margaret’s family, and the wider community, had an opportunity to pay their respects to a wonderful woman.”
Netflix for women in refuge
A women’s aid charity in Birmingham has raised more than £1,000 to provide Netflix streaming to families in refuge who have limited resources to entertain children.
Birmingham and Solihull Women’s Aid (BSWA) raised the cash needed to install the streaming service across its six refuge sites, at a cost of £200 a month, in just three days.
“These women have already left their home and, in some cases, all of their belongings behind and gone to live in a completely new place with their children,” said Anna Fawcett, the charity’s fundraising manager.
“This means they put on the telly and entertain themselves, have a film night, do something small with their children. It’s something that we all overlook, but everybody at the moment is making very good use of their streaming systems.”
With its two charity shops closed due to the coronavirus lockdown, BSWA had little other means of raising the funds needed, and Fawcett said they were overjoyed to have received the money so quickly.
“It just shows that when given the opportunity to help out, people really do dig in and think of others,” she said.