Having problems with RDA? You can now lodge a complaint
The Recovery & Development Agency (RDA) has launched its Grievance Redress System (GRS); making it possible for individuals and groups to lodge a complaint against work involving RDA staff and externally-hired consultants and contractors.
The RDA said the new system is to ensure projects are completed efficiently and effectively with community and stakeholder feedback playing a prominent role.
Persons may access the GRS complaint form on the RDA’s website.
“Today, the RDA officially launches the GRS system. The RDA firmly believes this level of engagement with the public is essential and lessons learnt will be incorporated in future projects and thus improve the overall planning and management of projects,” Director of Programme Strategy at the RDA Neil Smith explained.
The RDA said the hallmark of GRS is the internal but independent review and decision-making process.
“Complainants can be assured that any grievance made will be thoroughly reviewed and additional information will be sought from various relevant sources including additional discourse with the complainant,” a media release from the RDA explained.
The agency also said decisions will be based on possibly rectifying any discrepancies between what happened and what should have happened; while taking into consideration any cost, quality and time implications for the project and the interests of other stakeholders.
The RDA said a person may use its GRS e-handbook in assisting to guide how the GRS system works and how to lodge a complaint or grievance.
The e-handbook also provides an explanation of the decision-making process and possible outcomes, identification of the persons involved in the process and their roles, timelines, and the appeals process.
Complainants will be provided with a unique complaint number to be used when following up. A decision is to be expected within 30 days from receipt of the grievance.
The GRS also includes an appeals process. Persons who do not agree or is satisfied with a decision can submit a case for appeal within 15 days of receiving the initial decision.
The GRS is a requirement under the RDA Act 2018 where Section 5(1)(s) states: “The functions of the Agency shall be to establish public grievance redress systems through online and offline options.”