Our Borders are open and we are welcoming Visitors with the hope that they will bring much Currency but no COVID-19… Nonetheless, because of the deadly lagging effect, we can only watch and wait as we monitor the Outer World where the Virus appears out of control – maybe it heard about the coming of the Vaccines and plans to do maximum damage before they arrive.
Meanwhile, the Governor and Premier spar with dueling allegations of Corruption and their individual views as to what’s in our best interest… Both may be right but the Problems are real although they seem more interested in Financial Aspects rather than the Dangers of long-term Physical, Mental, Medical and Social Effects that threaten the General Health and Wellbeing of our People and Territory.
Who feels it knows it and if the Governor and Premier truly want to address Corruption they can begin by looking at Revenue Collectors, Labour, Immigration and BVI Health Services Authority -
Government demands that Work Permit Employees and their Employers spend unnecessary Time, Effort and Money to follow their Orders when they are busy breaking every rule that they Make.
These are Facts and not mere Allegations - The open habit for Government Services to act as Parasites on the Private Sector is no secret although, Private Sector is afraid to complain due to fear of victimisation… Abuse by the Immigration and Labour Departments amount to little more than Corrupted Work Permit Schemes and the Triplication of Requests is a study in inefficiency.
It is common practice for Government Agencies to take away recruited Imported Employees from the Private Sector without a moment’s notice while willfully delaying and denying Governmental Permits and Registrations to these unfairly disadvantaged Businesses… The Recruited Employees are not to be blamed because they feel threatened and their only loyalty is to Dollars and not Employers.
Ironically, Work Permit Directives prohibit this from happening and Labour and Immigration claim to enforce this rule between local Businesses but when Government becomes a party to the problem, all Fairness and Justice are compromised to the detriment of these Businesses… This is no secret and unless the Governor and Premier support the practice each has the power to correct it immediately.
Meanwhile, Government Bodies and Agencies seem to take pride in blocking Businesses, charging these Businesses for Services not rendered while refusing or delaying payments to them for Goods and Services they supplied… We can only hope that the Governmental Oppression and Gangster Masks we are wearing because of COVID-19 is not making some feel Hopeless and Criminal.
We were always told that Actions speak louder than Words and that we act as we feel, so, it is sad to feel that no one cares…. However, the response to and present condition of the locally owned Palmgrove Shopping Centre that was wrecked since Hurricane Irma, certainly suggests that our local Governments have no interests in the welfare and well-being of VIslanders as Business Owners.
We were taught to aspire but for 4 years we were bludgeoned into accepting Lies and Self-interest as the New World Order into which we must retrain our Children for their survival… Thankfully, the God of Nature and Laws of Balance came to the rescue with another chance to Build Back Better and although Remnants of Bad will remain, the passage towards Hope and Healing has begun.
We should never ignore the present damage being done in his Lame Duck Days but that too shall pass and the future of Trump will cease to be feared over the next 4years… We are witnessing his self-inflicted wounds and demise but our core Principles of Good will live on, long after his Bad Powers are gone – This is not new, and exactly why many Leaders have faded so quickly into the past.
We may have no Stock Market or monster brands like Amazon, Apple or Tesla but we are all Pawns in their game and must play by their rules… While, January 21, 2021, will begin the rapid decline of Trump’s power and influence, December 1 may mark the beginning of the importation of our own COVID-19’s, as we remain trapped in the universal pastime of chasing the US Dollar.
America has already passed a quarter of a million deaths because their Government failed to face reality and harness the Private Sector in the Fight against Covid-19… Our West Indian Neighours are already in Crisis and we asked the question as to whether we are prepared for an infestation and the likely response will suggest faith in God and a Trumpish Yes! when the real answer is simply No!
Like others we have chosen Capital over Medical and our Government’s monopoly of Resources, their failure to train and equip the Private Sector to perform Tests and Treatment and their continuing acceptance of corrupt practices like those mentioned before will place our People in the direct path of Trickledown Virus effects that all the Money in the World will be unable to prevent.
We should learn from UK and US Reports that attribute their COVID related Economic Failures to the failure to reason that the Financial Crisis actually resulted from the Health Care Crisis and the effects would be long lasting and terminal in some cases… We should not make that same mistake because Death is permanent and there is no GDP after the Grave for, dead Persons do not buy, sell or trade.
Furthermore, without People there is no need for Governments and without Governments there is no need for Governors… The destructive power of Corruption is on full display as we witness the failure and possible collapse of Great America as a result of the State Corruption that took place under Trump’s Governance… We can choose to find and destroy Corruption before it destroys us.
This may not be easy for, like a Wolf in Sheep’s Clothing, it starts off innocently – Along the way it feeds on itself and Grifters are always waiting to benefit so it is hard to die and ignoring it, is like supplying it with Life Water… Just like opeHHopeCOVID-19, the more we delay, the stronger it gets until a point where all hope is lost and we become grim statistics of another line up of Body Bags.
Our People need help and although Prevention may be better than Cure, Vaccination doesn’t follow Infection… In times like these we need solutions and serving the Public is not a Spectator Sport… Let us assume that the Governor and Premier would truly like to help, so, they can look for common objectives and pool their resources into solving the many present and potential Problems facing us.