"Over the 13 years since the last constitutional review... I think we have done a poor job in terms of ensuring that the populus understands the content of the constitution," Hon Penn told legislators.
He was at the time debating the motion for the VI's latest constitutional review at the 13th Sitting of the Second Session of the Fourth House of Assembly on July 28, 2020.
"As a critical component of this process, it is important for us every part, every section... and there are 10 main sections... that we break it down," Hon Penn recommended to those present in the House.
He said now more than ever as compared to in the previous years, the House also has access to means and ways to disseminate information to the people.
"Tools that can help us widely disseminate information in a way that people could digest," he said, and they could get a sense of why the constitutional review is being done.
He further said an educational campaign will pave the way for more robust discussions with the people. He underscored that the educational campaign is especially important to moving forward with the constitutional review process.
Hon Penn was first elected in 2011, some four years after the last constitutional review in 2007.