The Bill once enforced, will seek to further strengthen good governance of public officers, statutory boards, and elected officials in carrying out their duties.
It will further strengthen systems in the adherence to public policy and thirdly, it will establish an Integrity Commission.
The Commission will assist in achieving Government’s objectives to promote good governance, to enhance ethical conduct of public officers, and to strengthen the prevention and detection of corrupt acts by persons in public life.
“Mr. Speaker I beg to report that the Bill entitled: Integrity in Public Life Act 2021 has passed through committee with amendments,” the mover or the motion and leader of Government Business, Premier Fahie said.
Deputy Premier and Minister for Education, Culture, Youth Affairs, Fisheries and Agriculture Dr. Hon. Natalio D. Wheatley (R7) seconded the motion.
The Bill was then read for a third time by the Clerk of the House of Assembly and passed as amended.
It now heads to Governor John J. Rankin CMG for assent.