My beloved brothers and sisters across the BVI, the Caribbean region and the rest of the world, sincere holiday greetings to you.
It was last December when I categorically stated in one of my broadcasts, that 2020 will be a very interesting year. This I said without full realization of the magnitude of the approaching peril which is now international history. One year later, the world continues to brace itself for the unknown in the face of obvious uncertainty, yet many continue to find new hope as we move into 2021.
Regardless of the tough times
COVID-19 has plunged the world into, this holiday season somehow brings an amazing degree of hope and happiness to many across the world as we continue to stand together, undaunted by this crisis which, if allowed to dislocate us, will destroy our very peace at the core as it keeps us apart. We must strive to protect and preserve our inner peace and maintain focus as we move into the new year, knowing that many challenges will continue to manifest during 2021 and beyond. The question is;
Are you prepared to stand unmoved to protect that which is just and right for yourself and your family as you continue to find resolve in the days ahead?
Again we have proven to be a resilient, resolute people who are yet to fully understand and appreciate the magnitude of the universal power within each of us. This we must all affirm, that when we are united, it is impossible for any of us to fall prey to those who wish to exploit us. Let us resolve this within our own minds that whatever life will throw at us, if we stand resolutely united in the midst of the rising destabilizing tide of the twenty first century, nothing will be able to defeat us - not death, or life, or peril, seen or unseen, known or unknown, because the Almighty Spirit of the Great God of our forefathers which ruleth the universe dwells within us, upon us, and around us all.
As we move into 2021, be it clearly understood that everything will continue to shift dramatically with time, and nothing should be taken for granted. As the Book of Revelation predicts it, these things must come to pass, and whether we wish to acknowledge this truth or not, nothing will remain the same as we move into the twenty first century.
Finally, beloved brothers and sisters, be strong in Yashua HaMashiach and in the power of his might,
Put on the whole armour of God, that ye may be able to stand against the wiles of the devil.
For we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this world, against spiritual wickedness in high places.
The time has come beloved when we must stand undauntedly united if we must survive the coming peril. Those who think they can stand alone will fall, but those who understand the power of unity will survive.
May wisdom rest in your bosom my friend, and may you be led by the Spirit of the Great God of our forefathers, now, through 2021 and beyond.
May you have a wonderful holiday season, and the very best be yours throughout the new year. Yashua be with you all.