Premier and Minister of Finance, Dr the Hon Natalio D. Wheatley (R7) has revealed that with the confirmation of candidates for the Virgin Islands Party’s (VIP’) 2023 elections slate, Hon Shereen D. Flax-Charles has not been ratified because of issues with her paperwork.
Hon Flax-Charles, who currently serves as At-Large Representative in the House of Assembly as well as a Junior Minister for Trade and Economic Development, Agriculture and Fisheries, was among the names missing when three of the VIP’s At Large candidates were confirmed at the VIP Congress and Elections at the R&R Malone Complex in Pockwood Pond last evening, February 5, 2023.
The Premier and returning Chairman Dr the Hon Wheatley, in a brief statement last evening, said Hon Flax-Charles not completing her paperwork properly was the reason she was not considered on the Party slate.
“It did not satisfy the conditions of the Virgin Islands Party Constitution, and so that will still have to be done,” he said.
The Premier added, “and I should say as well, unfortunately, Honourable Shereen Flax-Charles had to leave due to an emergency.”
The Premier noted that while Flax-Charles
has not been ratified last evening, she will still have an opportunity
to be the district candidate.
Opportunity still available
The Premier noted that while Hon Flax-Charles was not ratified last evening, she will still have an opportunity to be an At Large candidate.
If Hon Flax-Charles is ratified, the VIP will return to the 2023 elections with the same roster of candidates, which will include Hon Sharie B. de Castro, Hon Carvin Malone, and Hon Neville A. Smith.
“We are very happy with being able to select the candidates we did today and, after the subsequent special convention, we will ratify the remaining candidates,” Dr Wheatley said.
The VIP is also yet to confirm its candidates for Districts 2 and 3.