The BVI Electricity Corporation board was dissolved in April, and its members have not been replaced since then, Premier Andrew Fahie said last Thursday in the House of Assembly.
However, in response to a question from opposition member Mark Vanterpool (R-D4), Mr.
Fahie (R-D1)said that neither the BVIEC Act nor any existing loan agreements establish guidelines governing how long a board is required to be in place.
Fahie also pushed back against another question from Mr. Vanterpool about whether allowing the BVIEC to function without a board for so long exemplifies “transparency and good governance.”
“The board being in existence or not is not a determining factor for transparency and good governance,” Mr.
Fahie said, adding, “Transparency and good government must be practised at all times. Measures to ensure such must be implemented and adhered to at all times. A board should only add value to what already exists.”
Fahie did not explain why the board was dissolved, and he said that government is working to reestablish the body but did not elaborate further