Skelton-Cline was at the time acknowledging his sponsors of his show, Honestly Speaking, on ZBVI 780 AM on March 15, 2022, when he highlighted that Nature’s Way is a place where persons can get some good food that is not meat-based.
He then revealed that he has decided to take on a challenge of going without meat for a month and he was already seeing improvements to his well-being, including sex-drive, after only a week.
“I am off meat for a month…I am off meat for a whole month. I am in my first week and I am telling you I am feeling better I am sleeping more sound, I am jumping out of bed more quickly. Sex like is good, bless His holy name. I am feeling better!” Mr Skelton-Cline said merrily.
“It’s just a week so I got three weeks to go, pray with me, stick with me, no meat,” he added.
According to Jill Edwards, a certified Clinical Exercise Specialist through the American College for Sports Medicine and Director of Education for the Center for Nutrition Studies, libido naturally lags when the body isn’t getting all the nutrition it needs, and it must focus on self-preservation over reproduction.
“Deficiencies in nutrients can create depression, fatigue, and low energy levels that get in the way of passion and love. Fortunately, nature has given us plenty of foods that can help boost our libido, energy, and passion,” Edwards said in an article titled ‘6 Plant-Based Foods to Supercharge Your Sex Life’ on the Centre for Nutrition Studies website in 2018.
The use of spinach, garlic, watermelons, blueberries and sweet potatoes were listed as foods that can boost libido.