Currently, students who were at Isabella Morris Primary School, are being housed at the nearby Leonora Deville Primary School.
“It’s important for you to understand that the building was deemed structurally unsound and unsafe for our children and our teachers and administrators to be housed there,” Education Minister Dr Natalio Wheatly said at a community meeting recently.
“Based on the destruction of hurricanes Irma and Maria, we determined we have to move the school a bit from where it is right there close to the sea a little closer inland and we have the space to be able to do that,” the minister added.
Dr Wheatley said once the school has been demolished, officials can move to the next phase of procurement for the design of the new structure.
This is expected to be done in conjunction with the Recovery and Development Agency (RDA).
Once the school has been rebuilt, it is expected to be returned as the first of several junior high schools the current administration has plans to open, the Education Minister revealed.
“We’ve spoken about [junior schools] for many years but this administration under the leadership of Honourable Andrew Fahie will make the junior schools into a reality and we’re starting with Isabella Morris Primary School,” Dr Wheatley disclosed.
He explained that the concept entails that some of the students from schools which neighbour Isabella Morris right now, including Ivan Dawson in Cane Garden Bay, Leonora Delville in Carrot Bay and students from the Jost Van Dyke Primary School can be accommodated at Isabella Morris.
Dr Wheatley said the plans should accommodate about two hundred students.