Delivering a speech during the graduation ceremony of Thursday, June 10, 2021, Junior Minister for Tourism and former educator, Honourable Sharie B. de Castro told graduates not to compare themselves to others and like a key, the size and style do not matter but it is about the doors it opens.
“Sometimes people spend most of their time thinking that their key is inadequate when compared to another, don’t fall prey to this. Never compare your key, because you should always remember that even small keys open big doors,” she said.
She reminded graduates that they are uniquely cut to fill the locks they are destined to unlock, however, they should never give up as that will result in a significant door being left unopened.
Hon de Castro said in the case of the education received at HLSCC, graduates now have the potential to unlock many doors, whether to higher education or a door to the corporate world.
“Being an HLSCC graduate myself, I know first-hand that this foundation is of superior quality and will become useful when unlocking doors,” she said.
The Junior Minister further said that the knowledge acquired at HLSCC equips persons with the tools and the materials necessary to even build doors and businesses as an entrepreneur in their field of study.