Mr Rankin delivered the Speech at the First Sitting of the Fourth Session of the Fourth House of Assembly at Save the Seed Energy Centre in Duff’s Bottom, Tortola, today, Tuesday, January 18, 2022.
The Speech from the Throne, which highlights the legislative agenda of the Government of the Virgin Islands in addressing the needs of the public during the upcoming Session of the House of Assembly, was delivered under the theme ‘Positioning the Virgin Islands through legislation to continue improving the standard of living of our people’.
According to Governor Rankin, the theme is aligned with the direction and goals of the elected Government's 2022 Budget under the theme “strategically positioning New Industries with Sustainability and Innovation: Continuing to improve the standard of living with focus on Education, Small Business, Healthcare and Technology.
“This theme is aligned with the Government’s strategic vision To Transform the Virgin Islands into a Leading Regional Economy through Entrepreneurship, Innovation and Local and Foreign Investment, which was enunciated some time ago.”
The theme for the Third Session of the Fourth House of Assembly, which concluded last year, was: Driving BVI Innovation through Legislation.
It was noted by Governor Rankin that the last House held 13 Sittings in 2021 and considered and approved 43 pieces of legislation, “reflecting the considerable amount of work done by the Legislature in the past year in fulfilling the mandate in the previous Speeches from the Throne.”
Among the pieces of legislation passed were the Integrity in Public Life Act 2021; the Whistle blower Act 2021; two Amendments to the Beneficial Ownership Secure Search System Act; Counter-Terrorism Act 2021; Criminal Justice (International Cooperation) (Amendment) Act 2021; the Contractor General Act 2021; Virgin Islands Air and Sea Ports Act 2021; Virgin Islands Investment Act 2021; Data Protection Act 2021; Electronic Transfer of Funds Act 2021; Cruising and Home Port Permit Act 2021, and the Economic Substance (Companies and Limited Partnership) (Amendment) Act 2021.
More on the Speech from the Throne 2022 to follow.