Led by Dr. Melvin Turnbull, senior pastor at Cane Garden Bay Baptist Church, a procession followed a truck blasting upbeat religious songs from the Government House to the Sunday Morning Well, singing and dancing all the way.
The Aug. 4 event was part of the Freedom March and Emancipation Service organised by the Virgin Islands Heritage Month Committee. The event commemorated the official end of slavery in the territory, celebrated all that Virgin Islanders have since achieved, and emphasised the importance of honouring this history.
“If you don’t know where you came from, it’s very unlikely you’re getting to get where you want to go,” said Dr. Turnbull, who is also the chairman of the VIHMC. “We’re trying to preserve that history as well as propel into the future.”
Once settled at the well, attendees listened to performances by three 2019 Gen Y Competition finalists and a prayer reading from Pastor Frankie Rathanam of the Tower of Faith Church. Then several guest speakers and performers took turns remarking on the importance of the day.