The mother, who has also taken to social media for more traction, has claimed that following persistent bullying with weapons such as knives, brass knuckles and broken bottles, the matter was raised with the police who she claimed has been dragging their feet on the matter.
She also alleged there is a video circulating of her son being attacked by the bully.
“My son has been going through a lot in school. I always try to teach them don't get in any violence because I normally see a lot of fights going around and I always warn them against that. So, every day they go to school I normally warn them against that.”
The mom continued, “It's been overbearing because this situation happening from since last term. Last time he was injured they actually had burst his head... I did medical and all of this with my son.”
The woman said she has been disappointed with the police’s handling of the matter, as she claimed officers have been slothful in ther duties.
“Last time it was the same thing because I've been waiting. I make my report, I did my medical, I sit in a police station for hours, did everything right, and I've been waiting and waiting and waiting. Nobody got back to me until one day they didn’t even inform me that there were going to the school. They just randomly called me and told me that they at the school if I can now,” she added.
The mother said while could not go to the school, an agreement was made between the parties that the bullying and harassment of her son would end.
“The police warned the young man and they agreed that would have been it, so I felt that that was it, until this term. It started the first day my son attend school this term. The video started to circulate again. And the young man feel like he should have won the fight. He feel like he didn't get the upper hand on my son, so the whole incident start back up again,” she said.
The mother said with the harassment happening again, the incident was once more reported to the police, since there were incidents where the bully was armed with brass knuckles and a knife.
She said her son was attacked once more, which resulted in bodily swelling and a trip to the hospital.
“That's still not enough, I guess. The friend of this child [bully] decided he wanted to take things up in his hand and he decided that he's going to harass him,” she added.
According to the mother, her son no longer feels safe at school and because they live nearby, he also feels unsafe about walking home.
She said she is now forced to make arrangements to have her son picked up by an adult.
According to the mother, the RVIPF has now been dragging its feet on the matter even as the bully is actively pursuing her child and she allegedly reported the incident since September to the police.
“Every day I call the police station I feel like I am a bother to them, that’s the impression I am getting as a parent,” the distraught mother said.
She has since taken to social media to share her disturbing story.
There are unconfirmed reports that the alleged bully has since been arrested by police.