During a public consultation meeting on the project last evening, February 15, McMaster shared that the availability of funds is one of the concerns received from just under 300 responses from the public.
“This project was projected; the budget was approved by the Government the funds were made available by the Caribbean Development Bank (CDB) loan. I can say as of today the funds projected for this project is sitting in the bank so there is no concern about the funding currently projected in order to deliver the project,” McMaster assured.
He explained that the RDA is aware that during construction when a project moves from phase-to-phase prices are likely to change.
McMaster said, “Just to bring some level of understanding and comfort to you the people of the BVI, what I can say is that the designers were given a budget with which they are supposed to work with and at this stage of the design that budget is normally plus or minus 30 percent of what the actual construction cost is likely to be.”
He added, “Currently, based on the designs that have been produced by the design team and based on the projected cost we are also between that minus plus 30% so at this stage we feel confident that the project is affordable and we will be able to deliver because as I say the money is sitting in the bank.”
The RDA which is executing the project on behalf of the Government has indicated that there will be an international tender for the construction of the new Terminal and a nearby multi-tiered parking facility.
The design and construction management team from INROS Lackner S.E of Germany has showcased a preliminary 'futuristic' two-story design that will accommodate private vessels, along with local and international ferry operators.
The designers also shared that the building is hurricane-proof as the plan is to build with hurricane fabric between the ribs with the ability to open and close depending on weather conditions.
The building is envisioned to process 150 travelers per hour will also host vendors, ticket agents, and Government agencies including Customs, Immigration, and Police with offices on the top floor.
To create room for additional space for pick up and drop-offs, the RDA shared that the plan is to undertake about a 50 meters reclamation of the sea. The multi-tiered parking is anticipated to be constructed in the adjacent hillside thereby not disturbing any privately owned lands in the vicinity.