There has been an increase in persons become ‘regularised’ as motor scooter riders, according to Minister for Transportation, Works and Utilities, Hon Kye M. Rymer (R5), who said this is as a result of a campaign by the Department of Motor Vehicles (DMV).
According to the Minister, the increase may be small but it is a good start as efforts will continue to bring motor scooter riders in line with the law.
Moving mountains by carrying small stones!
“The famous writer once said ‘the man who moves a mountain begins by carrying away small stones” and mister speaker though the numbers are small I am happy to report that since the implementation of the second restriction, 5:00 am to 5:00 pm, on 26th June 2020 the Department has seen an increase in persons becoming regularised,” Hon Rymer said during the Twelfth Sitting of the Second Session of the Fourth House of Assembly (HoA) on Friday, July 10, 2020.
He said thirty-three persons visited the department, and of that thirty-three, seven persons obtained new scooter/motorcycle licenses, eight persons upgraded their licenses to include the “M” class, and eighteen licensed their motorcycle.
On the sister island of Virgin Gorda, Hon Rymer continued, four persons completed the motorcycle test and were successful.
Grand Motorcycle Licensing & Registration Drive
The Transportation Minister said the Department of Motor Vehicles continues to reach out to riders as they take the office outdoors on July 25 – 26, 2020, for “A Grand Motorcycle Licensing and Registration Drive” at the Lloyd Road behind the Honourable Ralph T. O’Neal Administration Building, starting at 10:00 am.
“Mister Speaker, while we know that motorcycles are an efficient mode of transportation we want motorists to ensure that they operate within the confinement of the laws so therefore I encourage riders to “Get right, Get legal and Ride safe,” Hon Rymer said.
Meanwhile, the extended ban on motor scooters, motorbikes and 3-wheeled vehicles in the Territory, comes to an end on July 16, 2020.