The motion failed after going to vote with seven No’s, three Yes and three persons absent, despite an emotional closing plea from Hon Fraser to have the motion passed by legislators.
Following the failure of the motion, the house returned to the substantive motion for the appointment of Scatliffe-Boynes to act in the Director position for 6 more months based on the recommendation of the SSB Board.
The HoA sitting continue and can be watched live on CBN Radio 90.9 FM, CBN-Television Channel 101 on Flow TV and can also be followed on the HoA YoutTube channel and online at
The debates on the amendment to the
substantive motion for the appointment of Social Security Director,
Jeanette Scatliffe-Boynes to act in the position for 6 more months is
expected to continue when the House of Assembly (HoA) returns from
recess this morning Thursday, September 2, 2021.
Senior Legislator and Third District
Representative, Hon Julian Fraser RA on August 26, 2021, moved a motion
opposing the Government’s plans to have Mrs Jeanette Scatliffe-Boynes
appointed as the Acting SSB Director for another six months, citing her
experience as a factor.