The offensive cartoon, which was quickly pulled after overwhelming negative feedback from the community, attacked government critic, Cindy Rosan, portraying her as mentally disturbed, among other things.
The website later argued that the cartoon was misinterpreted and noted that it was the first time one of its many offensive cartoons was ever pulled.
“Today I was very disturbed as a woman. Today I was disturbed by a publication on a news site. My blood ran cold when I saw that cartoon. A negative aura came over my soul, came over my whole being,” Flax-Charles recounted in the House of Assembly yesterday.
She said the stigma of mental illness is present in the entire Virgin Islands and elsewhere.
The legislator expressed that she was embarrassed at the insensitivity displayed in the cartoon and said she was bombarded by many calls and messages after it appeared on the website.
“Misogyny is alive, well, kicking and very rampant in the BVI,” she argued.
Bringing the issue even closer to home, Flax-Charles said she too had been stigmatised many times for speaking up.
“I have been called crazy by members of this very House because I have spoken up,” she stated.
Meanwhile, Flax-Charles registered her disapproval of Premier Andrew Fahie’s efforts to prevent House Speaker Julian Willock from paying legal costs in a failed injunction he filed.
“This is not the time to convolute due process with tactics and machinations,” she argued.
Thus far, she is the first and only government legislator to break ranks with the Premier’s position to have taxpayers shoulder the burden of the Speaker’s court costs.
She said the overwhelming voice of the people suggested that the move was not what was desired.
“The will of the people is loud. [It’s] so resounding, the nation is shaking,” Flax-Charles said while noting that her conscience is clear.
She further argued that while she’s a team player, she expects her decisions on issues that will come to the fore to be respected.
“Conformity is doing what you’re told regardless of what is right, morality is doing what is right regardless of what you were told,” the legislator stated.