This was revealed in an answer from Premier and Minister of Finance, Hon Andrew A. Fahie (R1) following questions from senior legislator, Hon Julian Fraser RA (R3) on the progress of the contract since the 2019 date.
Premier Hon Andrew A. Fahie said the then NDP government signed contract number MCW-004M-2019 with FDL consultancy Inc. based in St Lucia for $876,250.
He said the consultancy offered for engineering design and construction supervision for the rehabilitation of roads, slopes and coastal defense was funded under a CDB Rehabilitation loan; however, the contract was not for the actual construction work.
However, while the Premier has since indicated that the consultancy was allowed under the terms of the CDB loan, he said it was done ‘on a day when everyone was looking for votes.”
The Premier said that the work contracts; however, are being carried out by local contractors under the Virgins Islands Party (VIP) Government.
At the tune of 800K, the consultancy prepared preliminary and final designs for the rehabilitation and/or slope stabilisation at Great Mountain, Hope Hill, Little Dix Hill, Bob’s Gas Station road, Ballast Bay, and Long Trench amongst other works.
Other works, the Premier said, included asphaltic concrete works, road servicing for all projects at the above sites, the preparation of an environmental and social management plan for the project, and a climate risk vulnerability assessment for the project.
The consultancy also required cost estimates for each project site as well as tender documents and assistance with tender evaluations, Hon Fahie said.
While the contract had an original duration of 24 months for design, tendering, and construction and an additional 12 months for the defects and liability period, he said the combined total would have been 36 months.
Premier Fahie; however, noted that with the onset of COVID-19, works have been delayed, specifically the pace of the construction projects, which he said has interrupted tender processes and construction works.
He said Government expects the construction phase of the consultancy would be completed by February 2022.