The poll was released by VI Tech Stack in collaboration with the University of the Virgin Islands Center for Excellence in Leadership and Learning (CELL).
According to a press release from VI Tech Stack, in the election for Delegate to the House of Representatives, incumbent Democrat Stacey E. Plaskett has an overwhelming advantage over her challenger Shekema M. George in both districts. 65% of respondents in St Thomas/St John and 73% of respondents in St Croix said they would support Plaskett.
In the USVI legislative elections, 7 candidates will be elected in the St Thomas/St John District and 7 candidates will be elected in the St Croix District.
In the St Thomas/St John District, Donna Frett Gregory and Janelle K. Sarauw performed the best. Gregory received 16.2% and Sarauw received 14.7%. Marvin A. Blyden placed third with 8.7%, Athneil Thomas fourth aka 'Bobby' with 8%, Stedmann Hodge Jr fifth with 6%, Alma Francis Heyliger sixth with 5.8%, and Milton E. Potter seventh with 5.4%. 14.3% are undecided.
In the St Croix District, Kurt Vialet and Allison DeGazon finished the best among their fellow incumbents. Vialet placed first with 13.4% and Allison DeGazon placed third with 10.6%. Democratic challenger Genevieve Whitaker performed very well with 11.2%, placing second and finishing ahead of the majority of incumbents. Javan E. James placed fourth with 9.6%, Novelle E. Francis Jr fifth with 9.2%, Michael J. Springer sixth with 6.3%, and Alicia Hansen aka 'Chucky' rounded out the top seven with 4.5%. 12% of respondents are undecided.
Governor Bryan’s favourability was just slightly higher in St Thomas/St John than it was in St Croix, with 49% favourable to 31% unfavourable (+18 ) in St Thomas/St John and 44% favourable to 34% unfavourable (+10) in St Croix.
Bryan has very good numbers when it comes to his handling of the coronavirus. 64% of St Thomas/St John respondents agree while just 25% disagree with his handling (+39). 58% of St Croix respondents said they agree while just 32% disagree with his handling (+26).
When it comes to the economy, a majority of St Thomas/St John and St Croix respondents are in favour of more development and tourism. In St Thomas/St John, 66% are in favour of a new casino or hotel that would create jobs for USVI residents and 63% are in favour of more tourism.
When it comes to the economy, a majority of St Thomas/St John and St Croix respondents are in favour of more development and tourism. In St Thomas/St John, 66% are in favour of a new casino or hotel that would create jobs for USVI residents and 63% are in favour of more tourism. In St Croix, 78% are in favour of a new casino or hotel that would create jobs for VI residents and 69% are in favour of more tourism.
Respondents were also asked how supportive they would be of a Comprehensive Economic Development Strategy in which the US Virgin Islands government would support the private sector in rebuilding efforts and economic resiliency for the Virgin Islands, including upgrades to key infrastructure such as the Cyril E. King Airport and WAPA. 77% of respondents in St Thomas/St John and 76% of respondents in St Croix said they are supportive.
The St Thomas/S. John District poll was conducted September 23-27, 2020, surveyed 450 likely voters, and has a 4.58% margin of error.
The St Croix District poll was conducted September 23-27, 2020, surveyed 250 likely voters, and has a 6.17% margin of error.
VI Tech Stack and The University of the Virgin Islands Center for Excellence in Leadership and Learning (CELL) accurately predicted the results of the 2018 US Virgin Islands General Election. In the gubernatorial race, the top 5 vote getters were predicted in order, and a runoff election was accurately predicted between Albert A. Bryan Jr and Kenneth E. Mapp.
The poll also correctly predicted the winner of the Senate At-Large race, 7/7 of the St Croix legislative winners, and 6/7 of the St Thomas/St. John legislative winners.
VI Tech Stack and The University of the Virgin Islands Center for Excellence in Leadership and Learning (CELL) also accurately predicted the winner of the 2018 gubernatorial runoff election. The poll showed Albert A. Bryan as the 9 point favourite, which is exactly the margin he went on to win by.