He said in an update on Thursday, June 10, 2021, that: “Fully vaccinated persons travelling from overseas would be required to provide an RT PCR or an approved rapid antigen test or a within five days of arrival and provide satisfactory evidence of being fully vaccinated.”
He added, “Cabinet further decided that fully vaccinated travellers would no longer be subjected to PCR Testing on arrival, that is the Day Zero test, and no quarantine time would be required save for that ordered when the quarantine officer as a result of their entry testing.”
In the meantime, the Minister informed that additionally, Cabinet also decided that starting June 15, cabinet partially vaccinated persons travelling from overseas would require a PCR test within five days of travel.
They must also “provide satisfactory evidence of being partially vaccinated and will be subjected to PCR test or a rapid antigen test upon arrival in the territory, the day zero test and a quarantine for a period of four days.”
As a consequence of the aforementioned decisions, he said Cabinet also opted to reduce the Gateway fees from $105 to $35 for fully vaccinated travellers.
He added: “For flight and vessel crews who are fully vaccinated, cabinet decided that these persons will no longer be required to conduct bi-weekly screening and testing but should self-monitor and report any symptoms of or recent exposure to COVID-19.”
He then called for patience from visitors as the changes he mentioned today would take some time to be changed on the entry portal as there would be “processing issues in light of these amendments.”