Online forum may generate more interest in constitutional review
Amid calls for residents to participate in the ongoing constitutional review process, Premier Dr Natalio Wheatley has announced that a forum to facilitate easier participation and engagement is being considered by those leading the process.
Dr Wheatley was told on Tola Radio’s Morning Braff programme recently that more people would take part in the process if there was a live forum or platform wherein persons could leave comments and engage in discussions while constitutional review meetings are taking place.
In response, Premier Wheatley acknowledged that such a forum would be beneficial and is being considered by the persons leading the review process.
“I think you are correct that we need an online forum for persons,”Premier Wheatley told the show’s host, Heritage. “The chair of the Constitutional Review Commission (CRC) has an online meeting plan so persons from across the spectrum can participate.”
The Premier also acknowledged that the government’s public relations and educational presence should be greater. He said the government already has plans to produce educational content that can engage the public and teach them more about the subject of constitutional review.
“The missing public relations piece I think we are going to add is producing short videos. For example videos where you go and speak to people on the street about the constitution. As you know, a lot of people don’t pay attention to issues like independence and things like that,” Premier Wheatley said.
Persons may submit their views to the CRC in person but some persons have stated they will find it difficult to submit their views in person and have called for the government to make it easier for people to participate in the process.
Residents may also leave feedback on the CRC’s website. However, since the CRC started engaging the public earlier this month, the commissioners have said they’ve only received a few submissions.
They’ve called for BVIslanders to have greater interest in the process but have reiterated that anyone who is living in the BVI is welcome to submit their views to the commission.