Beautiful Virgin Islands

Ooops: Trump wants Biden to inspect the ears of the debaters for electronic devices or transmitters

Ooops: Trump wants Biden to inspect the ears of the debaters for electronic devices or transmitters

The Trump campaign wants the Biden campaign to allow a third party to inspect the ears of the debaters for electronic devices or transmitters. The President has consented to this inspection, but Biden has not – so far, for obvious reasons...
The Biden campaign requested two breaks (one every thirty minutes) during tonight’s program, which was denied by their Trump counterparts, in negotiations over the last several weeks.

Oh ya 4 year ago
The dems are all for cheating because they have nothing else
Paul H Kositzka 4 year ago
I believe Hillary had an earpiece, it's just a crutch for mentally infirmed Democrat candidates....
Anja A Zoeller 4 year ago
Wonder why Biden refuses to have his ears checked for electronic devices.


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Beautiful Virgin Islands