It was on June 16, 2022, that the Ministry of Education, Culture, Youth Affairs, and Sports receiving a report, documenting a recent inspection of the Althea Scatliffe Primary School.
The report had recommended that the use of the school building be suspended immediately, due to concerns with the structural integrity of the building.
The school was closed the following day.
“We had to move swiftly to close the school to ensure the safety of all users of the building,” Minister for Education, Culture, Youth Affairs, Fisheries and Agriculture Hon Sharie B. de Castro (AL) stated during the Sixth Sitting of the Fourth Session of the Fourth House of Assembly (HoA) at Save the Seed Energy Centre in Duff’s Bottom, Tortola today, July 21, 2022.
The Minister; however, did not say what would be the fate of the school building, which remains unused.
“Currently, we are exploring options for temporarily housing students and we will make an announcement shortly.
“We must do everything possible to ensure the safety of faculty and students and this sentiment goes for all schools throughout the Virgin Islands,” Hon de Castro stated.
The Education Minister also said a maintenance team has already begun to do works across schools in the territory, in anticipation of the opening of schools for the 2022/2023 school year.