It might not be till a little more than one year’s time before the United Kingdom (UK) lifts the feared Order in Council that is currently being held in reserve in the UK parliament.
The Order in Council facilitates for Britain to implement direct control of the BVI if the local government fails to implement a series of reforms to correct serious governance failures found to be happening in the territory.
The government has so far completed 20 of 48 recommended reforms, and according to Governor
John Rankin’s latest quarterly review of the progress, the government has missed multiple reform deadlines.
While sharing the UK’s response to his review, Rankin said UK Minister of Overseas Territories Lord Zac Goldsmith agrees with his conclusion that serious efforts and clear prioritisation of time and resources are required to pick up the pace to deliver the reform that the people of the BVI want and deserve.
“Some adjustments to the deadlines in the Framework Document will be required. The Premier has asked for eleven extensions to deadlines in areas for which he is responsible, and I have asked for two. Minister Goldsmith has consequently asked me, following the upcoming General Election, to agree with the next BVI Government a refreshed timetable for the delivery of the remaining recommendations and reforms in the Framework document,” Rankin stated.
He added: “This should include ambitious yet achievable deadlines to ensure that the necessary reforms have taken root no later than May 2024. If that can be achieved that should allow the UK Order in Council to be lifted.”
He further noted that the UK Minister has made it clear that the Order can be lifted sooner if the implementation can be achieved more quickly.
“The staff in my office and I will do all we can to support the implementation work,” Rankin stated.