Palm Grove contract rescinded because of issues with parties involved
Amid questions about why Cabinet cancelled the contract awarded to a local construction company for the Palm Grove Shopping Centre Redevelopment project, Premier Dr Wheatley has now offered an explanation.
Meridian Construction Company was contracted to design, finance and build but a decision arising from the June 15 Cabinet meeting indicated that the contract was rescinded and a new tender process initiated.
The Premier said there were several issues involving who won that particular contract and who would proceed with it as there was a change in the names of the parties involved.
“There was a desire for a change in the parties that were going forward with the redevelopment and with the change of the names involved. The previous process had to be squashed and we had to start over and go out again. So, that is the reason,” Dr. Wheatley explained.
The Premier said he could not remember the exact financial terms associated with the contract.
The Palm Grove Centre was demolished in August 2018 after authorities labelled it unsafe. The hurricanes of 2017 drove tenants out of the building as the old structure had been compromised.
The government then decided there would be a public-private partnership with investors to undertake the redevelopment of the shopping centre in Road Town.
It had also decided that only BVI local or a Belonger of the territory would be eligible to be awarded the contract for the shopping centre’s reconstruction.