“I recognise, Mr Speaker, that there are a group of people getting together and their only mission is to malign my name and this government's name for what reasons I can't tell you other than power, cause I haven't done them anything,” Premier Fahie stated during the Seventh Sitting of the Third Session of the Fourth House of Assembly (HoA) held at Save the Seed Energy Centre in Duff's Bottom, Tortola, on April 22, 2021.
The Premier was at the time speaking during 'Other Business' when he pointed out that his government was being attacked by forces and Opposition Members trying to damage the reputation of his administration.
“I don't mind them criticising policy, that is your democratic right… I don't mind them criticising programmes that we're doing, that is your democratic right, but when they're getting into slander and they're getting into mischief and speaking as if they have facts to destroy persons' name… those who hate you laughing and those who with you wondering if it true.”
Premier Fahie noted; however, that he has the experience to deal with those issues given his years in the House of Assembly (HoA).
“Mr Speaker, they leave out anything that has been done good during COVID-19 and they just tell you about all the problems that are still going on, which we understand that they have to be addressed,” he said.
The Premier said, regarding the $40 million grant from Social Security Board that was channelled into the pandemic, every dime of the money can be accounted for and not in the pockets of legislators as far as he can tell.
“Yet you hear all kind of stories. Sometimes we wonder how could persons get to those kinds of stories. As a matter of fact, most of the people who helped with the grants, come back and tell us they need more money because of the ongoing pressures.
"Yet to hear persons in this House outside throwing all kinds of negative things. Why?” Hon Fahie asked while telling the legislature that slander must be addressed in the House.
The Premier remarked that the government has innovatively followed up on initiatives during hard times such as unemployment benefits, business grants, food programmes, and more.
“All hell broke loose with these things because persons have some stories that sound good,” the Premier said, adding that the Government has been able to achieve all that it could in the height of the COVID-19 pandemic with the help of God.
The Virgin Islands has been commended both regionally and internationally for its handling of the COVID-19 pandemic.