According to unconfirmed reports, some persons were also found breaching the 7:00 pm to 5:00 am curfew.
Our newsroom was informed that more than a dozen persons were allegedly seen playing dominoes under a shed close to Fine Foods Supermarket.
Another group of persons were reportedly observed gathering at The Stickit in Long Look while another group of persons were allegedly seen conversing on a bench opposite a bar in Parham Town.
Police sources have alleged that all the persons in the various locations refused to disperse, which resulted in the ranks using pepper spray.
It is unclear if anyone was injured.
It was last year, 2020, that former Commissioner of Police Michael B. Matthews had come under fire after his ranks were accused of tasing persons even when they were seemingly not posing a threat.
Some of the incidents were caught on camera, including a tasing of a homeless man even while he was on the ground.