Premier Fahie in a social media post this morning said a farewell party was held in the parking lot of the Governor’s Office, where a short ceremony marked the official exit of the unpopular Jaspert and his family from the shores of the Virgin Islands (VI).
Governor Augustus J.U. Jaspert has never apologized for statements he made on September 7, 2020, when the said that ancestors of slaves in the territory should not expect any reparations for brutal acts of slavery as a current policy of the monarchy he represents.
Having arrived on August 21, 2017, and sworn in as Governor the following day, Mr Jaspert’s reign was mired in controversy, ranging from allegedly meddling into the affairs of local government, having a combative style of governance, calling for relics of slavery to be maintained and even trying to direct VI’s Legislative Arm.
Further, the Governor has never apologized for statements he made on September 7, 2020, when the said that ancestors of slaves in the territory should not expect any reparations for brutal acts of slavery as a current policy of the UK.
Premier Fahie in statements said, “I thank him for fulfilling Gods purpose for his life in the carrying out of his duties as Governor of the Virgin Islands, so that the people of the Virgin Islands can now be more aligned with our purpose especially towards eventual self-reliance.”
It was Mr Jaspert’s style of Governance that further motivated the Fahie administration to aggressively pursue the latest round of constitutional review, aimed at limiting the powers of the Governor and putting the VI on a path towards greater autonomy.
Mr John J. Rankin, CMG, a former Governor
of Bermuda, is to be sworn in as the VI’s 14th unelected Governor on
Friday, January 29, 2021.
“On behalf of the Government and People of the Virgin Islands and my family, I also wished him well for God’s Purpose for his family be fulfilled. Our journey as people continues with BVI Love,” the Premier further said in brief remarks.
Mr Jaspert, the 13th UK appointed Governor, leaves the VI with a highly speculative parting Commission of Inquiry (CoI) based on rumours, that has already damaged the reputation of the territory on the international front.
His successor, Mr John J. Rankin, CMG, a former Governor of Bermuda, is to be sworn in as the VI’s 14th unelected Governor on Friday, January 29, 2021.