“Mr Speaker, this seems to be a time when everybody is afraid to speak because what I notice is as soon as you say ‘A’ you getting a letter saying ‘bring this document, bring the other’. So I am concerned about the atmosphere that I am seeing developing in my country. This is concerning; it’s alarming!”
There have been concerns that since the Commission of Inquiry (CoI) began in the VI only those in support of it have been vocal on social media and adding to the attack on the territory's reputation while the many against it have been silent.
The Honourable Premier said while he will be respectful, he reminded that the people of these Virgin Islands have rights.
“I am going to respect everyone I have to respect, but as the leader, at certain times, you have to speak out and say ‘wait there man! Wait! We got some rights! We have rights as a people!” he said while providing closing submissions on the Whistleblower legislation in the House of Assembly.
Another area that Premier Fahie said was troubling his spirit was some of the educated sons and daughters of the soil turning against the masses.
“I encourage our people to continue to study and become qualified, but sad to say some of them become qualified, and they join forces with those who have come to belittle us because all of a sudden, we don’t know what we are doing.”
He added: “The same people that bought them and put them where they are now are not knowledgeable of knowing what they are doing. We have to be careful Mr Speaker; when we get the knowledge we are not getting knowledge just for ourselves or to promote our own individual causes; it’s to live for others because to live, we will have a territory that will live on forever.”