At the start of the debate of the 2020 budget estimates Premier and Minister for Finance Hon. Andrew Fahie thanked Sixth District Representative Hon. Alvera Maduro-Caines stating that she was the only member of the Opposition that attended every sitting of the Standing Finance Committee (SFC).
At the time when the Premier rose to speak, the Sixth District Representative was the only Opposition member present in the chambers.
As such the BVI Leader said, “We have followed all of the rules of the House Mr. Speaker, we have awaited any input from the Opposition, Mr. Speaker, but I must give credit to the Member for the Sixth who has been here with us all through the budget. I want the public know she was here for every single budge session and Standing Finance, and she is here today, the only Opposition Member that is there sitting.”
Further, the Premier stated, “Mr. Speaker I don’t want anyone to say that we didn’t give the opportunity. The floor was open and members of the Opposition are not here. The Member for the Sixth District is here, but she has indicated that she has ventilated it enough during the Standing Finance Committee. I want to thank her and all the members of my Government for their input during the budget session,” Hon.
Fahie added.
Meanwhile, Premier
Fahie said that this budget is one that takes the Territory into full transition of going green, and he noted that the government intends to move the Territory forward significantly in the coming year.
“The words uttered in the budget speech says it all. This government is going to move in directions never seen to bring revenues never seen in the history of this Territory. Its going to be a challenge and we have to make sure that we are prayed up and praised up,” Hon.
Fahie told the House.