Sixth District Representative Alvera Maduro-Caines is facing a proverbial Goliath in her race to win re-election, but Premier Dr Natalio Wheatley has assured residents that the three-term incumbent will overcome that challenge.
Maduro-Caines, who faces voters at the polls next month for the first time as a Virgin Islands Party (VIP) candidate, will come up against her former National Democratic Party (NDP) colleague, Myron Walwyn.
During a rally in the Sixth District last evening, Dr Wheatley played a tape of Walwyn endorsing Maduro-Caines when she ran with the NDP at the 2019 elections. On the recording, he called her a worker and said she had delivered during her time with the NDP.
Walwyn, in endorsing Maduro-Caines back then, suggested she had good leadership qualities. “What you must have as a leader, you have good leadership skills, vision and love. If you have those things, you’re in good shape.”
“Alvera, you have a stellar record and do not allow anyone to intimidate you or rewrite the history of the good work that you have done over the last seven and a half years,” Walwyn said at the time. “As much education as they think they have, you can put some blows on them…”
In the meantime, Premier Wheatley questioned why Walwyn would want to run against someone he claimed had a stellar record and suggested that this was done because Maduro-Caines appeared to represent an easy pathway to elected office in the House of Assembly.
Dr Wheatley, while questioning the inference of Walwyn’s campaign slogan of elevating the District 6 representation, said he too, as premier, is sometimes considered to be an underdog.
Dr Wheatley further suggested that he had slain his own Goliath when he won his Seventh District seat in 2019 against five-term incumbent, Dr Kedrick Pickering.
“Honourable [Maduro-]Caines, it don’t matter how tall them is. It don’t matter how shiny them… We going to slew Goliath and the reason why is because Alvera has love. She has love in her heart for her community. You can’t elevate above love,” the Premier said.